Sunday, November 17, 2013

Swear word replacements

Ever have those days when you just want to blabber out every swear word you know but can't because your parents, teachers, and/or friends would just go "ASDFGHJKL; YOU CAN'T SWEAR AGH YOU'RE A HORRIBLE PERSON BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH BLAH"

Well, I have the solution.  Silly replacements!  Here they are.

F*ck = fluff
Sh*t = snickerdoodle
D*mn = dumpling
A*s = archaeologist
B*tch = blubber

For example-

"Snickerdoodle, have you seen that fluffer? He's got a fluffing hot archaeologist!"
"I don't give a fluff!"
"You're so full of snickerdoodle."
"You little blubber!"
"He's so fluffing hot!"
"I want to be his little blubber."
"Sometimes life just feels like a pile of snickerdoodle."

I made these replacements because it's fun and weird and instead of making people cringe or blow up at you, it just might make them smile because of the weirdness.

And, for your amusement until I return with a new post, here are some cat GIFs that will make you smile.  Feast your eyes upon the hilariousness.

Wednesday, November 6, 2013

Road Trip Ahead

Guten Morgen, Freundinnen!  Es ist draußen geschneit! Ich bin sehr glücklich!

First snowfall, seen from my bedroom window
Anyways, in a few hours, I will leave home on a six-hour drive to a Christian convention.  We're going to stay at a friend's house and will be gone for a few days.  Expect post delays.

However, at a local school where I am taking a few classes (the rest is homeschool), we have made some little figurines out of clay and glaze.  For the season, we made clay jack-o-lanterns.  We had the option of making three small ones or one big one, and I chose the three.

Went for for a Tim Burton-esque kind of thing.
Sad faced/sewn-up mouth one.  I wanted to do something depressing but cute.

Did not turn out the way I wanted it, but still as creepy as I imagined it.
Another one, an effigy of a kitty that I call Ryuzaki, will be uploaded in a future post.  Eventually, I will work up the courage to publish some chapters from my book.  I was writing a scene yesterday, which involves some awkward romance, and I looked at it and thought "I have no idea how to do this."

So, I seek some help.  My words are beginning to slow down and I was wondering if maybe you guys could help me out here.  I deeply appreciate your comments and I hope to find the time to look at your blogs!  When I do publish my chapters, please, please, please let me know what you think.  I'm a struggling writer!

I will be on here again in due time.  Once again, Guten Morgen.
